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We want to see your films! Acclaim.TV is accepting submissions for high quality indie films, docs and shorts of all genres, by and/or about the global African diaspora to showcase on our new online streaming video platform in our Film division. There is no fee to submit your film, and we are looking for films of any length in English language or with English subtitles about African, Afro- Caribbean, African-American, Afro-Latino, Afro-Asian, Afro-European, etc stories and culture. Acclaim.TV is launching Fall 2016, and will present indie films and original content from the African Diaspora. We are looking forward to screening your films!


1).  Complete submissions form with link to private screener. (Click on submissions tab at top of website for submissions form.)

2).  Upon acceptance of your film for our platform, return signed agreement, and submit deliverables. (Details below)

3).  We will QC and encode your film, and select a premiere date for your film on our website.

NOTE: Each film goes through a submissions review before it's accepted. Please allow 2-3 weeks for submission review. 

(If you prefer to mail a  DVD screener,  the mailing address  is: Acclaim TV, 1812 W. Burbank Blvd # 947, Burbank, CA 91506 Attn: Submissions.)



You can choose whether to license your film on a non-exclusive basis so you can put your film on other platforms, or license exclusively with us for an additional 15% payout.



We pay filmmakers quarterly through a filmmakers pool based on a point system.  Our monthly filmmakers pool is derived from 50% of our subscription fees income (minus refunds and website maintenance fees),  and films are assigned a point value based on their length in our point system (1,2, or 3 points) . Points for all licensed films on our site are added up and our monthly filmmakers pool is divided by total amount of film points to determine filmmaker payouts.

We send quarterly revenue payments for the cumulative 3 month payout within 60 days after the end of each quarter by paypal or direct deposit. (Most companies have a 90 day payout.)

POINTS -  (Non exclusive content)

Shorts  (10-30 minute Film):   1 POINT PER MONTH

Mid-length   (31-60 minute Film):   2 POINTS PER MONTH

Features (61-90+ minute film):  3 POINTS PER MONTH

POINTS - (exclusive content)

An additional 15% is added to the regular point payout value for filmmakers that license their content exclusively with

Example: if your regular payout value for the month is $1000, you would get an additional 15% exclusive content payout bonus of $150 added, for a total of  $1150.


 In a sample month, showing 10 features  (30 points)  10 mid-length films (20 points) and 10 shorts  (10 points), there would be a total of 60 filmmaker points  for that month. The filmmakers pool would be divided by these points.

Scenario A.  If our filmmaker pool for that month is $6,000,  each point  would be $100.  Each filmmaker would receive $100, $200, or $300  for that month, depending on length of  their film.

Scenario B: If our filmmaker pool for that month was $60,000, each point would be $1000. Each filmmaker would receive, $1000, $2000, or $3000 for that month, depending on length of film.


  • Most important is a great story with enriching content about the African Diaspora.

  • Technically proficient end project, available in High quality master.

  • Have all license clearances (music or any other)

  • Content should not be racier than an MPAA R rating (no pornography or gratuitous violence)

  • Preferably have some public accolades (e.g. festival awards, good reviews, timely subject matter)




Feature/short/documentary in digital file . (English language or English subtitles)

Trailer in digital file

closed captions and subtitle file ( if applicable).



film summary

talent bios

awards and reviews


Assets can be uploaded through google drive, drop box, or box .   You can also mail us your assets on an external drive.

MAILING ADDRESS: Acclaim TV, 1812 W. Burbank Blvd # 947, Burbank, CA 91506 ATTN: submissions.




Codec: H.264
Bitrate: 8,000 kbps-13,000 kbps
Frame rate: 23.87, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, and 60 FPS
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or 3840 x 2160
Container: MP4 or MOV, AVI, WMV
NOTE: Please make sure your file does not contain leader, color bars, or tones. Do not submit videos with rectangular pixel aspect ratio, Apple intermediate codec, or HDV 720p60.


Codec: AAC
Bit rate 320 kbps
Sample rate: 44.1 kHz & 48 kHz
Channels: stereo L & R


closed captioning - .scc or .cap
subtitles – hard subtitles ( encoded in video) or soft subtitles in .srt or .vtt files only


2000x3000 pi @ 75 dpi in .jpg  or .TIFF format
No credit blocks, company logos, festival laurels, URLs, release dates, or any other promotional material on artwork.

Please email us if you have any questions or need assistance with delivery specs.

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